Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Toddler bedding set

Toddler bed wetting can be a very unwelcome problem in the middle of the night but it is a very common problem. Here we have a look at how you can make it easier for you and your toddler.

The key theme for toddler bed wetting is to stay relaxed and calm and don't panic or scold your child. Gaining bladder control at night time is usually a gradual process, it takes time and can come in fits and starts. Kids wetting pants or pyjamas is a nuisance at any age but you need to try and respond always with patience and reassurance.

Toddler bed wetting at some point during your child's toddler years is almost inevitable. Sometimes a child is dry for months and then returns to bed wetting - possibly triggered by changes in his sleep habits or stress, such as a new sibling, moving house or family changes. The best thing you can do to support your child and make the process of coping with a wet bed as easy as possible for yourself is to follow some top tips:

1. Remain calm if your toddler has an accident at night time - do not scold him. He hasn't meant to wet the bed and simply could not avoid it.

2. Always have a spare set of bedding and bed clothes to hand in his bedroom or have a regular sheet, followed by a mattress protector, followed by a regular sheet already on the bed so that you can very easily and quickly have a dry, clean bed.

3. Do not make a big deal of any accident - your toddler may become anxious about what he has done and this could make the problem worse

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